Sunday, September 28, 2008
Welcome to GraceLand...
We moved to a room from the POD and it is so much quieter and roomier! Grace is still doing well and is becoming more active. She is turning on her side and sitting herself up at times. She has arm braces on her arms to keep her from pulling at the trach or sticking things in her mouth but we have been able to take them off for little blocks of time. She isn't messing with much other than the controls on the bed. She likes that she can raise her legs and back up and down. It is providing her entertainment. It is like a little roller coaster ride lying down. Speaking of laying down, I slept so good last night on our roll out bed. Da
rrell tended to Grace during the night and so he is sleeping now. We woke up this morning to graffiti on our dry erase boards (as seen in the picture), cards and pictures decorating the cabinets and stuffed animals atop of IV poles, and monitors. Darrell was bored during the night so he decided to spruce up the room! So thanks, daddy for making it as fun as possilbe to be here. Room 29 is nice and it's one stop closer to home! We are all missing the little ones!
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Praise God this beautiful Sunday morning!! He is AWESOME in his ways.
Hope to see you soon Gracie. I love you!!...Aunt Sheri
P.S. Judd is jealous that you have a roller coaster bed! He said he wants a bed to do that too.
Wow Grace! That bed sounds cool. My tummy is getting so big from the babies that maybe I need to get a bed like that to help me get out of bed.
Jacob and Sean made something for you and Mr.Eric will bring it to you when he goes back to work. We love you sweet girl...keep getting better! Tell your mommy and daddy we said hello.
Love, Ms. Danel
Grace - Maybe you can take Mommy and Daddy for rides in that bed. Judd's Bible class friends made cards for you this morning. Miss Pam will be deliverying them to you soon. I love you lots. God bless you --- Miss Barb
I am soooo glad to hear that you are doing soooo well. I am jealous that you get the cool bed. You keep up your wonderful recovery and I will see you back in school very soon. I am really looking forward to that. See you soon!
Love, Mrs Ross
Hi Grace,
I went to Church and Sunday School
this morning. All the Ladies that
have been praying for you was so happy
to hear that you are doing so well and being so brave.
You remember my son Ronnie that was here that Sat. when you visited. Well I never told you but he spent 7 Days and Nights in the same hospital that you are in, when he was 3 years old. They taped his foot to a board, and put his IV and medicine through his foot, it took him a few days to learn that he had no
reason to be afraid, that God, the
Doctors and Nurses, plus his Mommy
and Daddy were going to see that
every thing was being done to make
sure he was O.K.
Stay Sweet, and remember I love you.
Aunt Darlene
Hello my sweet Grace. Well, Nana is so excited because you are in GRACELAND. I really never thought of it that way, and of course being an Elvis follower, I know that is what his home was called too! But for you - this is so much more a special name because it is GRACE ELLEN, my brave granddaughter. And you get to play with the controls in the bed, what fun!! So glad to hear you are sitting up some and I am sure you are trying to eat some, and talk even more. I can't wait to see you this week. Glad Mom and Dad are in a place with you so they can get some rest too. I get to stay with Judd and Caroline Monday and some Tuesday, so I will give them a big hug & kiss for you. LOTS OF LOVE & KISSES, NANA
Great job Grace (and Daddy too for his decorating effort)! God has laid his hands on you and you are on your way down the road of recovery! What a ROCK STAR!
Love ya!
Suzanne, Stephen, Justin, Garrett and Jason
Great Job Gracie! You are doing awesome and recovering nicely! Love the pictured daddy drew for you!
Take Care,
Katie Swan
Hi Grace!
I hope you feel better. I hope your voice gets better. I miss you very much. You are very kind and my bestest friend. I love you and I miss you. I hope like my prents. I will see you at school and at church.
Love, Peyton
I meant to say I hope you like my present.
Love, Peyton
Yea Gracie! God is good. We are glad that you are doing so well and cant wait to talk to you. We love your mom's writing. Tell her she should write a book. Love, The Nalls
hey there guys its randy from calofornia and i wanted you to know even way out here i am praying for you gracie and i wish you darrell and bridgette the strenght you need right now
from your cousin randy
Hey Grace,
It's me again, Every time I write, I forget to tell you that Mr. Max called to ask how you were. He tells me each time how cute and sweet you are. He is also praying for you.
He wants you to let him know any time that Wo!Wo! might be back in South Carolina. But it would make him happier if you came with Wo!Wo! to visit him.
Hugs & Kisses X0X0X0X0
Aunt Darlene
Hi Grace. YOU ARE DOING WONDERFULLY. I am not surprised to know that God is helping you get better so quickly. You and your mommy and daddy have been in my prayers and those of my friends. You have the Number 1 mommy and daddy who love you and who are there to protect and help you feel better soon. Try to think of the doctors and nurses as God's angels with skin on them, there at the hospital to help you get better.
I wish I had a bed that moves with a touch of your finger.
Tell your mommy and daddy that I am so glad that they have each other and that I think they are AWESOME parents.
I Love You "Sweet" Grace and hope to see you soon.
Love, Ruthie
Dear Grace,
I hope you feel better soon. I love your pink and brown room. I really do like your website. I hope your voice gets better. I can't wait to hear your pretty voice. We will be praying for you.
Your friend,
Ashley :)
Dear Grace,
I hope you feel better. I'm glad you have a new room. I like your roller coaster bed -- sounds cool. I'm glad surgery went so well and you're awake.
Your friend,
Travis :)
Hi Grace--
We are so thrilled to hear the excellent news on your recovery! We are so thankful that we serve a mighty God who is our Lord, Savior and Healer! Your bed sounds pretty neat! Great artwork, Dad...we love the GRACELAND...and how true is that! His Grace is sufficient for us! And what a precious Grace He has given to you!
Sending lots of love,
Mark, Heather, Grant and Ben
I am praying for your continued progress. Smile - Jesus loves you and watches over you and your family.
Love, Mrs. Schueler
I am so glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you are well on your way to a very speedy recovery. I am glad that they have a "fun" bed to keep you entertained during your stay. God has big plans for you Grace~you are a very special little girl. I love your daddy's drawing. I bet your room looks really good.
God Bless You!
Jamie & Family
Hello sweet Gracie!
I am so glad you are doing so well!! Your bed sounds like so much fun!! I am so proud of you sweet girl...keep up the good work!!
Ms. Ali and Mr. Tony
I love the picture your dad drew.. SO CUTE!! We are thinking of you and your parents.. I love reading your blog
The Richards,
Jess, Stacey, Drake and Carter.
Good Morning Gracie, I hope you had a good night of rest. Papa Dave and Grandonna love you so very much. We are very excited you are doing so well.
We will see you later today.
Love YOU!
Papa Dave
I'm so glad to see you are feeling better. I can't wait till I can come and visit "Graceland".
I love you and will see you later,
Uncle Troy
Grace, I am glad you found some entertainment with your "roller coaster" bed. It's the small things,right? I am sure you are enjoying your newly decorated room, how nice of your dad to decorate for you!
Bridget, I am loving your blogging, you make me laugh, you make me cry, you should become a professional blogger:) We will be praying for Miss Grace.
Love, Cassidy
Good morning Gracie! :) Hope you had a good night! Mimi loves you sweet girl!! :)
I am so glad to hear that you are getting better Grace. Those beds are fun to play in aren't they? I have never been to GraceLand before so this is great. Looking forward to see you soon.
The Reeves Family
Hi Grace!It isn't the same at Dickinson without you. Kellie was telling me how much she misses you. When we sing the "I like me and I like you" song, we think about how much we like you!...
Mr. Freeman
grace i am glad that you are at home and doing well. i was so glad i could come and give you kisses and hugs. i miss you sweetie and remember aunt cheryl loves you with all my heart and i hope you have the wonderful dreams when you sleep. i love you aunt cheryl.
Hey there sweet Grace,
I work with a young lady at my school who also has a trach. Way cool for you. I am really enjoying having your Aunt Cheryl stay with us while she is doing good things and working for FEMA after the wild hurricane. I am so glad things are going so well for you and your wonderful family. Give a love to your mommy, daddy, Judd, and Caroline. Tell Nana and Papa we say hello. You are on the prayer chain of many who love you. Grace the Angel.
Many Blessings,
an Aunt Lynn - by proxy!
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