Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today WILL matter tomorrow...

I talk to myself a lot! I am not sure if that is how the saying goes or not but that is the way I keep repeating it to myself. I much prefer the excitement of dramatic and drastic change BUT for some reason I only see that in retrospect. We are doing lots of therapy and so the calendar revolves around Grace's appointments. When Grace was two days old laying in the NICU a precious friend told me these words that I repeat every time we go to therapy, "Bridget, you are going to think the things the therapist do are silly but stick with it, it will make a difference over time". Yes, more talking to myself, I am sure I have issues. Carrie's words that day have cost a lot of time and money but she is a wise woman. A session of therapy (speech, occupational, physical) seems useless in isolation but over time you do see improvement. So these today's we aren't accomplishing a whole lot nothing dramatic to report. We are getting out more and that seems to have helped Grace's mood. I am not sure the germ docs would approve but we have to balance emotional health with physical health, ours and hers. She loves to go, go, go and we believe God made her that way and so that is what is best for her. Healthy - isn't just physical health.

Have I told you our nurse has been such a blessing? She is a great fit for our family and she sure lessens the stress around here. When she is here I have extra hands and it just feel free er to try to be normal. Normal with a nurse around sounds silly but whatever. God is just so creative in the ways He provides. I never get it right when I come up with the answer so I have become a very vague prayer, here is how I feel and I know you are great so just surprise me, Lord. I hope He doesn't think I am lazy but I seem to just waste my time coming up with solutions to find that His ideas are better. My brain just doesn't fathom the things His does and so even though things are NOT as far a long as I would like right now I know He has something even better in the works! I can't imagine what it is, what it looks like or really even what it sounds like but my imagination is a dud compared to His.

Just random pictures, I came across theses pictures the other day. She was turning 5 and I was trying to get a cute picture of her holding up 5 fingers in my attempt to get the perfect picture I pushed too far and took the fun out of it. Sometimes, it's hard to know just how far to push... For some reason they don't show up in the order I posted them but I bet you can guess the order in which I took them by her expression!


Danel said...

I love the bike shot! That is how I have felt this week. Thanks so much for the laugh.
Hang in there and know we are praying for you and love your family so much.

Anonymous said...

I love the bike shot too! Gracie, you are so beautiful! And your mommy is a very special person. Go give her a big hug and a kiss! And when daddy gets home, give him some sugars too! Mommy is so right in trusting God and following his path no matter what. You are destined for great things and I cannot wait to see what they are!!


Anonymous said...

you rock my friend....I am at a loss of words ( can you believe that!). I love your precious and sincere spirit.

Anonymous said...

You're an awesome mom. Keep prayin' however you pray - it seems to be working!
Love you!
Amy L.

Anonymous said...

It will It will! Each day WILL matter because Grace gets closer to getting her trach out and the surgery and all the therapy pay off! :) And there's no doubt that the words expressed through this blog each day bring someone closer to Christ!

I love the how time flies and Grace has grown. Speaking of..Gracie what do you want for your birthday?!

Love you all..Sheri

Cassidy said...

The 5 pictures are too cute!!!! Love them:)
Grace, Caroline Joy could not stop talking about you being with her at MOPS.
Bridget, you inspire me everytime I read your posts. What a blessing you are to those kiddos.

Cahills said...

The five pics are hilarious!!! Grace - I can't wait to see you!!! Miss you!! Bridget - will call you tomorrow. Love the post. Forget one day at a time. Take it an HOUR at a time. It works. :) You and the Roth entourage thoughts and prayers every hour.

Anonymous said...

Hi Grace. This is Hannah Montana. I don't know if you know me. You can turn on the Disney Channel if not. But trust me, I heard from the Disney Princesses how awesome you are and want you to know I'd like to be your friend, too. I love girls who are sweet, strong and kind and funny and beautiful on the inside and out - and everyone keeps telling me about YOU! So Grace, can ya be my friend, ya think? Don't let me down here cuz I'm kinda a big deal but now I realize that YOU'RE THE BIG DEAL. Please, please, please invite me to one of your parties. I heard you had a great hurricane party!! You're the best!! Always be sweet and remember what a leader you are to you lil' brother and sister. You have a major leadership role. Love you, sweet Grace!

Anonymous said...

Hi Grace!
I have been thinking about you! That is so cool that Hannah Montana sent you a note! Just yesterday, I saw on her show where she had a surgery on her throat...kind of like you! She was very nervous about her voice being OK after the surgery,but she worked VERY hard and her voice is even better!! Isn't that the coolest? I wonder if you have seen that episode... I KNOW you are working SO very hard at your therapy and everyone is so proud of you! Just keep working hard and very soon you'll get to go back to school and see all of your friends! We love you sweet girl!!
Ms. Ali, Mr. Tony and Shelby...Princess too! :)- her leg is ALL better!! yippeee

Anonymous said...

We sure love having you in our Sonshine Class on Tuesdays. I know it is fun to get out and play with some other friends too. I am so glad that you are doing better. We will see you tuesday.

Anonymous said...

My precious sweet Grace,

WOW! How you have grown from when you were five years old. You are such a big girl now and I can't believe that you are "almost" eight years old! I know that you are so excitd about having a birthday in just a few days.

Keeping doing a good job while at therapy, with your home schooling and do what Ms. Brittney tells you to. It won't be long until you can come to Grandonna's and Papa Dave's and stay for the WHOLE week-end! We will have so much fun!! Think that we could make some more cookies?

Play nice with Caroline and Judd. You are their BIG sister and they love you. You are their hero.

I love you very, very, very much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gracie!

Just wanted to send some hugs your way. You are such a beautiful, special little girl who is ALMOST 8!! YIPEEE!!!
Please remember that Judd and Caroline love you so much and they want to enjoy some fun times with their SWEET, KIND ,BIG sister!! OK?? I know you'll remember that!
You are loved my sweet friend!!
Ms. Ali

Anonymous said...

Gracie, I hope you have a super birthday. Tell Grandonna and Caroline to share the birthday fun with you since your birthdays are so close together. The town will not be the same after the three girls celebrate. Have fun and God bless you. See ya around with Grandonna.
