Thursday, October 9, 2008

What just happened?

Now that we are home I find myself not sure what just happened! Not with the surgery but with the day in general. I have a hard time finishing a thought. The little ones are a bit more needy since we got home and Grace is having a lot of meltdowns. Everyone is recovering from a change in routine and I am hoping it is a speedy recovery. Tomorrow we are having nurse come for several hours that will help with Grace's trach care. She will be here some nights and some days. Her being here at night will let us sleep without having to worry about the monitor alarms and the day will provide help with Grace's care. Although Grace requires minimal trach care - as trach care goes- it is still a big deal and she requires a lot of attention. We are just trying to figure out what our days will look like. Therapy will be starting hopefully next week and home bound school started this week so our calendar is very full! We are still trying to decided how germaphobic we will be with Grace which will determine how much we can get out and have her around other kids. The risk of infection is higher for her but the risk of cabin fever is also VERY real!


Anonymous said...

I realize no words can lift you out of all that you are feeling, but just knowing that you are surrounded with love and support, I know helps you to continue on. The road you all have walked and continue to walk has been full of hardships and challenges but you have persevered.I love the definition of perseverance and thought I would share it with you; to continue steadfastly or determinedly. That is what you both have done for years and I know you will continue- I have great confidence in that! Praise God for the nurse that is coming!! Take it one day at a time and allow God to give you His amazing Hand of help.

You are loved,

Anonymous said...

You are such a beautiful, big girl, and I know Mommy, Daddy, Judd and Caroline are soooo happy for you to be home with them! We are so proud of you for the hard work you are doing to get better. You are a real champion! Have fun homeschooling!

Love, your cousins, Jo-Jo, Larry, Zac, Seth, and Jessica

Cahills said...

Soooo glad the nurse is coming!! Grace, I miss you and love you!! Bridget - praying for all of you - take it an hour at a time. Amber

Anonymous said...

I can do all things through Christ that streghthens me..repeat...repeat...repeat! Easier said than done but know that you are not alone. Love you guys! Still so very proud of you Gracie!!

Anonymous said...

You all amaze me. Your strength is unbelievable. Remember, God does not give you more than you can handle. It may seem at times as though you can not take any more. That is the time to reach out to your friends and family. Everyone is willing and wants to help.
Please let me know if I can do anything.



Danel said...

You and your family are amazing. When I was there on Tuesday I drove away wishing I could feel put together like you guys looked.
We will be praying for things to get easier...just remember that when stretched is when we should be hitting 6- foot soon :)