Grace has been wanting to walk to and from school this week. The morning was going well and I thought I could motivate her to eat all of her breakfast by telling her when she finished she could ride her bike to school. This was well received, the pancakes were gone, she got her backpack, put on her helmet and got on her bike as if she had been doing it for years. She was excited and I grabbed the camera to document this fun trip we had planned or should I saw I had envisioned! As we got to the end of our street she stopped her bike, got off, took of her helmet, started walking and told me not to follow her, in a very sweet but stern voice. I was puzzled - I thought we were riding bikes today. She told me that she was going to walk from here and I should go home and stop following her. She got a few steps in front of me and just kept walking. She would glance back every few minutes to tell me to stop following her and go home. It was if she went from 1 st grade to 9th grade in the time it took to go down our street. I told her I was just trying to keep her safe but she said she could do it by herself and again calmly but sternly said "STOP following me". Not that she is the boss but I do want to boost her confidence and so I decided to keep my distance and foster her independence. I must say I was impressed with her. She found her way just fine and didn't get distracted along the way. I totally looked like a stalker as I followed her all the way into the school. She never knew it- since I kept my distance and hid a few times! I do love that she is confident enough to be independent but as her mommy I sort of miss being needed! I was however needed to walk the abandoned bike back home! I suppose it was good I took the camera - we did have a memorable mother daughter trip it just did go as I had envisioned.
Enjoy the pics...happy on the bike, asking me to go home and stop following her, walking by herself and then finding her abandonded bike on the corner on the way back home! Not the pictures I had envisioned but they are entertaining!
Hi Grace, You look so cute in your pictures. You are getting VERY big and we hope to see you real soon. Love, your cousin Jessica
Grace,you are such a big girl to walk to school all by yourself! I'm so glad Ms. Tran is your teacher, because you deserve the best teacher! Love, your cousin Jo-Jo
Happy ONE Week of First Grade!! You are such a big girl. Your sweet smile makes my heart happy. You have the BEST Mommy and Daddy and they sure love you so much!!
Give them both a hug from me!
Your Fan,
I am so impressed with you getting to school on your own. I enjoyed the pictures, especially you with your big smile at the beginning. You go Miss Independent!
Have a good week!
From, Caroline J's Momma
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